Our Pillars


The Social Economic Frontier

The heart of this function is to provide comprehensive and holistic transformation opportunities to the general populous with a strict emphasis on those facing the devastating impact of by poverty and its many offshoots. This Charitable work is centered around educational lines based on Christian values to  provide freedom, knowledge and skill in livelihood-linked priority areas such as  agriculture and entrepreneurship, thereby unlocking the beneficiary's potential for good.

The Leadership Frontier

GFI recognizes that the bulk of problems faced by Zambia and most of the third world emanate from a skewed and unhealthy understanding and application of leadership. This Frontier provides leadership training to various organizations and individuals by helping them to assume  proper responsibility of themselves through a Christ centered approach to personal, professional and political leadership. The guiding ethos is that “one can not lead others effectively without first leading themselves well.”

The Admin and Partnerships Frontier

This function looks into administrative matters of the Trust, to plan and provide for long term sustainability of the work, professional and ethical aspects of running the organization and building strategic partnerships with ministry partners, donors and other community players in on-going charitable work.